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Total 95 Results for:
  1. Patents
  2. US Securities
  3. Sustainable and Green Finance
  4. International Trade and WTO
Kristin Stammer photo

Kristin Stammer

Executive Partner, Asia and Australia, Sydney

Kristin Stammer
Joza AlRasheed photo

Joza AlRasheed

Managing Partner, Riyadh

Joza AlRasheed
Laura Orlando photo

Laura Orlando

Italy Managing Partner, Joint Global Head of Intellectual Property, EMEA Co-Head of Life Sciences, Milan

Laura Orlando
Sebastian Moore photo

Sebastian Moore

Partner and Head of Intellectual Property, UK, London and Milan

Sebastian Moore
Kristen Roberts photo

Kristen Roberts

Managing Partner – Finance West, London

Kristen Roberts
Amy Geddes photo

Amy Geddes

Partner, Global Head of Debt Capital Markets, London

Amy Geddes
Sue Gilchrist photo

Sue Gilchrist

Partner and Head of Intellectual Property, Australia, Sydney

Sue Gilchrist
Andrew Moir photo

Andrew Moir

Partner, Intellectual Property and Global Head of Cyber & Data Security, London

Andrew Moir
Tom O'Neill photo

Tom O'Neill

Partner, Head of US Securities, London

Tom O'Neill
Kyle Wombolt photo

Kyle Wombolt

Partner, Global Head - Corporate Crime and Investigations, Hong Kong

Kyle Wombolt
Alexander Aitken photo

Alexander Aitken

Partner, Hong Kong

Alexander Aitken
Xavier Amadei photo

Xavier Amadei

Partner, Singapore

Xavier Amadei